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Investment Performance
Analyzing Investment Performance with Alpha & Beta
Analyzing alpha & beta: Demonstrate how your active management is adding value instead of risk. Understanding alpha and beta can help you…
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Investment Performance
Quality Control: How to check for errors in your investment performance
How robust is your quality control process? In light of recent investment performance troubles at PSERS, now may be a good time to evaluate your firm’s quality control procedures. Here’s what you need to know...
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GIPS Compliance
Investment Performance
FINRA Rule 2210: How to calculate IRR consistent with GIPS
FINRA now requires IRR to be calculated according to the GIPS® Standards. But how do you calculate and present a GIPS compliant IRR?
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GIPS Compliance
How to Create a Distribution Log for GIPS Reports
Are you maintaining a GIPS Report distribution log? Under the 2020 Edition of the GIPS standards, those claiming GIPS compliance are required to demonstrate that their GIPS Reports are distributed to prospects. What this means is...
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Investment Performance
The SEC’s New Marketing Rule – Presenting Performance
Wondering how to present performance under the SEC's New Advertising Rule? Do you need to use composites? The answer is…
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Investment Performance
When to Use Time-Weighted Return (TWR) vs. Money-Weighted Return (MWR)
When should you use a TWR and when is it appropriate to use a MWR (IRR)?
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GIPS Compliance
GIPS Compliance FAQs
When do we need to distribute GIPS Reports? Do we have to market every composite? Can I present performance without a GIPS Report? FAQs about GIPS compliance answered…
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Investment Performance
What is the Information Ratio?
The Information Ratio demonstrates a strategy's excess return, scaled by risk. Rather than using total risk or systematic risk, the Information Ratio uses…
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GIPS Compliance
Key Takeaways from the 2020 GIPS® Standards Virtual Conference
Did you miss the GIPS Conference this year? Most of this year’s conference was focused on compliance with the 2020 GIPS standards, as well as important discussions around US-specific (SEC) regulatory compliance and ESG performance. Below are some key takeaways from this three-day event.
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