We're all about meaningful
investment performance.
Demonstrate the value you add with
meaningful performance statistics.

Outsource your performance measurement.
Dedicated Performance Resource

We can act as your investment performance team to complete regular monthly reporting and to help your firm analyze the success of your strategy implementation. This can include training or ad-hoc meetings to help relevant parties understand and be prepared to explain your firm’s investment performance results.
Risk-Adjusted Performance Statistics

We calculate common risk-adjusted statistics so you can easily demonstrate that your strategy has outperformed your benchmark and peers on a risk-adjusted basis. Example statistics include, Sharpe Ratio, Information Ratio, Sortino Ratio as well as other common returns-based appraisal measures.
Historical Portfolio Track Record

Utilizing available books and records, we can compile data and calculate performance statistics for a portfolio. This is often done either to examine the accuracy of a previously-calculated performance track record or to build the historical performance information needed to market a new firm or strategy.
Back-Tested Model Performance

Based on trading rules you create, we can build a hypothetical portfolio to demonstrate a historical performance track record. Deliverables include a performance report showing historical performance statistics as well as disclosures regarding the calculation methodology used.
Hear from the Longs Peak team.

The benefits are clear.

Demonstrate Your Abilities

highlight the value you add
Longs Peak can help your firm identify and calculate appropriate performance appraisal measures that will best demonstrate the value you add as an active manager to your prospective clients.

Market New Strategies

Whether it is based on a hypothetical trading strategy or a live account with historical books and records, we can construct a performance record and calculate statistics for use when marketing the strategy to prospective clients.

Create Meaningful Performance

Strategies are often implemented at the portfolio or household-level (comprised of many smaller accounts) while performance reporting is only available at the individual account-level. Longs Peak can aggregate your accounts into larger portfolios or household groups to ensure your reporting reflects your management at the level it was implemented.

There’s reason to be excited!
With our help, things are going to be a whole lot easier for you.
Talk to one of our GIPS consultants or performance experts today and let’s get started.